Carpenter's Local 270 represents over 1,300 American craftsmen. The union serves as a voice that protects our members and the workplace issues that affect their lives. Being active in politics and stayng in close contact with member's of our government, we maintain a direct line with legislators who can help us promote and defend the rights of workers. We also work on electing local, state, and national leaders who will take positions that we support. We urge our union members, their families, and all working people to know their elected officials and make them accountable for the votes they cast.
Contact: Dan White
The reason for retaining membership. By reaching out to make solid union connections. By keeping members informed. By organizing new membership orientation, mentoring programs, apprentice to journeman doining projects to keep members active.
Contact: Mike Martin
Organizing the unorganized is one of the primary responsibilities of our union. The importance of organizing is greater today than it has ever been. The Labor Movement is facing attacks from all sides. The key to successful organizing efforts lies in membership participation. As a member of the Volunteer Organizing Committee (VOC), a member is committed to assisting union staff in organizing the non-union. They realize that they can no sit on the sidelines and say, "someone else will do it," but that they need to stand up and take action themselves. |